اخيرا العملاق الشرس Kaspersky antivirus final full with keys
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عدد الرسائل : 110 تاريخ التسجيل : 25/01/2008
موضوع: اخيرا العملاق الشرس Kaspersky antivirus final full with keys الأحد فبراير 17, 2008 2:02 pm
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
اقدم لكم اليوم عملاق مضاد الفيروسات الالمانى Kaspesrsky antivirus
كامل "و الكمال لله وحدة" عز وجل
بالاضافة الى ملفات التسجيل شغالة تمام وعتجرب
و هذة اخر نسخة موجودة نهائية و ليس تجريبية ذى النسخة رقم 8
و هذا دليل على عمل ملف التسجيل
و هذا تاكيد على رقم الاصدار
و هذا تاكيد على عمل التحديث الذى يعتمد على التسجيل
و هذا ما قالو عنة
Kaspersky AntiVirus v7.0.1.321 Final
1. Feature added to check for and download the installer package for the latest version from the Kaspersky Lab web servers when the program installation is started. 2. Web page interception and processing mechanims of the Parental Control module improved. Now the component analyzes both the contents of the root node of the site and each specifically requested page. 3. Data processing speed increasing and proxy server resource consumption reduced. 4. Support added for IP protocol version 6 (IPv6). 5. Option added to disable Firewall from checking for changes to files in a monitored application on every attempt to join the network. 6. Recent Terms technology added to Anti-Spam, analyzing message text for phrases typical of spam. 7. Anti-Spam training now possible using outcoming emails on the setup wizard after installing the program. 8. Option added to import addresses from the Microsoft Office Outlook/ Microsoft Outlook Express to the Anti-Spam whitelist. 9. Option added for skipping trusted remote administration programs (for example, RAdmin) from Kaspersky Internet Security self-defense. 10. Improvements made to interface of the program activation wizard. 11. Feature added for testing network connections and updating the program when the connection is restored. 12. Program behavior when changing system time changed: the program continues to run. 13. Support added for Arabic-****** languages. 14. Proactive Defense has a new mechanism for detecting next-generation keyloggers. 15. Extended capability for intercepting driver downloads (LoadAndCallImage). 16. Improved program self-defense mechanism for automatic selection of actions in notifications on dangerous object detection.